Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6 Weight Loss Strategies - Dr. Wayne Anderson

Expert Nutritionist Dr. Wayne Andersen, MD came up with 6 weight loss strategies to help people drop the pounds and keep them off. Dr. Andersen is also the author of Dr. A’s Habits of Health and is the Founder of Take Shape for Life.

6 Weight Loss Strategies

1.  Weigh Yourself 1 Time per Day – Many diet programs suggest that you should weigh yourself once a week and look for the trend of weight loss.  This is what I suggest because I don’t want you to focus on the weight loss, but on healthy habits instead. But recent studies now show that daily weighing could be a key to lasting weight loss.  Researchers at the University of Minnesota monitored the habits of 1,800 dieting adults, and they found that those who checked their weight daily lost twice as much as other dieters who monitored their weight weekly. First thing in the morning is the best time to get on the scale. You should expect small day-to-day fluctuations because of water shift (bloat or dehydration).

2.  Watch No More Than 2 Hours of TV A Day – Watching TV keeps you from calorie-burning activities such as tennis, biking, yard work, or walking the dog.  Instead, you become a sitting duck for the junk-food commercials. Studies have recently shown that adults who watch more than 2 hours of TV per day take in more calories than those who watch less than an hour a day.  If you must watch TV, take advantage of the commercials and march in place, jog around the house, do sit ups, or ride a stationary bike while watching your show.

3. Support is so important to your success!  Seek out to find the best support for you. Also find a friend that you can check in with. I have a workout buddy, which I find, helps me return to the gym every day. 

4.  Eat 4 Grams of Fiber in Every Meal or Snack – A high fiber diet can fill you up and lower your overall caloric intake without making you feel deprived.  In a recent study at Tufts University study, women who ate only 13 grams of fiber or less per day were 5 times as likely to be overweight as those who ate more fiber.  Why? Well, possibly because it speeds the passage of food through the digestive tract and boosts satiety hormones.  We are lucky because Medifast meals each have added fiber to them making them the perfect choice!

5.  Take 5 Thousand Extra Steps Daily – The average steps a normal person takes per day between going to work, running errands and doing chores is around 5,000. Studies from the University of South Carolina and another from the University of Tennessee showed that people who took fewer then 5,000 steps a day were heavier then those who took at least 9,000.  Walking 10,000 steps per day have been linked to having a higher (good) HDL, a lower blood pressure, stabilized blood sugar, and lower percentage of body fat and lower weight.  Pedometers are inexpensive and easy to use.  They are a great reminder for you to “get up and go”!   It is easy to get those extra 5,000 steps in daily… you can go for about a 50 minute walk (2 ½ miles per day).

6.  Never Work Over 9 Hours – A recent study found that adults who gained weight in the previous year were more likely to have work many overtime hours.The reason for the weight gain could be that the person is too tired for exercise, works late to exercise, chooses high caloric-dense fast foods for dinner, or the stress of their job is causing weight gain through hormonal changes in cortisol.  Make sure to set firm limits on your work days so that you have time to enjoy life, exercise, and prepare healthy meals

Here's a link to his book on Amazon if you're interested:

Dr. Wayne Andersen is the Medical Director for Take Shape for Life Wellness program. He is board certified in internal medicine and specializes in weight management. Dr. Andersen graduated from University of Florida. Involved with Johns Hopkins in collaborating studies to show the efficacy of meal replacements, Dr. Andersen’s goal is to provide simple, convenient means for people to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. As the chief architect of Take Shape for Life, Dr. Andersen has built an integrated support system that helps people make the necessary changes in their lifestyles to create optimal health. Using a team approach of health professionals working with Certified Health Advisors, Dr. Andersen says we can provide leading edge nutritional solutions, medical support and the support of caring individuals, to provide the necessary one-on-one interaction so vital in changing peoples’ lives.

So you know, I'm not being paid for this..... I wanted to pass along good information about losing weight and keeping it off. I've lost the weight..... but I'm finding maintenance a whole new BEAST!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jun 18th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jun 18th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
6/18/12 1,599 1,417 604 813 -786 171.5
6/19/12 1,599 1,454 0 1,454 -145 171.5
6/20/12 1,599 1,133 604 529 -1,070 171.5
6/21/12 1,599 945 1,207 -262 -1,861 171.5
6/22/12 1,599 284 0 284 -1,315 171.5
6/23/12 1,599 0 0 0 -1,599 171.5
6/24/12 1,599 0 0 0 -1,599 171.5
5,176 calories under budget for the week
Gained 1.9 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 169.6 on June 17th.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 116g 20.1%
   Saturated Fat 25g
Cholesterol 515mg
Sodium 7,206mg
Carbohydrates 531g 41%
   Fiber 98g
   Sugars 138g
Protein 503g 38.9%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 2 Hours 1208
Zumba - Nancy 1 Hour 635
Circuit Training 1 Hour 572
Total 2415
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jun 11th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jun 11th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
6/11/12 1,634 1,113 622 491 -1,143 176.9
6/12/12 1,634 479 0 479 -1,155 176.9
6/13/12 1,614 1,205 1,247 -42 -1,656 173.9
6/14/12 1,586 305 1,224 -919 -2,505 169.6
6/15/12 1,586 0 0 0 -1,586 169.6
6/16/12 1,586 0 0 0 -1,586 169.6
6/17/12 1,586 0 0 0 -1,586 169.6
6,460 calories under budget for the week
Lost 6.8 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 176.4 on June 10th.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 67g 20.4%
   Saturated Fat 18g
Cholesterol 301mg
Sodium 3,745mg
Carbohydrates 293g 39.6%
   Fiber 65g
   Sugars 84g
Protein 295g 40%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 3 Hours 1869
Zumba - Nancy 1 Hour 644
Circuit Training 1 Hour 580
Total 3093
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Monday, June 11, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jun 4th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jun 4th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
6/4/12 1,608 1,207 609 598 -1,010 172.9
6/5/12 1,608 1,560 0 1,560 -48 172.9
6/6/12 1,608 1,618 609 1,009 -599 172.9
6/7/12 1,631 859 1,225 -365 -1,996 176.4
6/8/12 1,631 1,232 168 1,064 -567 176.4
6/9/12 1,631 1,198 840 357 -1,273 176.4
6/10/12 1,631 0 0 0 -1,631 176.4
5,494 calories under budget for the week
Gained 2.1 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 174.3 on June 3rd.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 203g 23%
   Saturated Fat 48g
Cholesterol 627mg
Sodium 8,354mg
Carbohydrates 919g 46.3%
   Fiber 262g
   Sugars 217g
Protein 608g 30.7%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 2 Hours 1218
Zumba - Nancy 1 Hour 641
Circuit Training 1 Hour 584
Walking 1 Hour 168
Hiking 2 Hours 840
Total 3451
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Monday, June 4, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, May 28th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, May 28th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
5/28/12 1,630 2,053 705 1,348 -282 176.2
5/29/12 1,630 1,347 0 1,347 -283 176.2
5/30/12 1,622 1,757 617 1,140 -482 175.1
5/31/12 1,617 1,258 1,125 133 -1,484 174.3
6/1/12 1,617 794 0 794 -823 174.3
6/2/12 1,617 1,470 0 1,470 -147 174.3
6/3/12 1,617 909 0 909 -708 174.3
4,210 calories under budget for the week
Lost 1.9 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 176.2 on May 27th.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 253g 23.4%
   Saturated Fat 72g
Cholesterol 616mg
Sodium 13,891mg
Carbohydrates 1,048g 43%
   Fiber 314g
   Sugars 324g
Protein 820g 33.6%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 2 Hours 1238
Yardwork 15 Min 84
Zumba - Nancy 50 Min 541
Circuit Training 1 Hour 584
Total 2447
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit