Monday, July 30, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jul 23rd


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jul 23rd

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
7/23/12 1,607 0 0 0 -1,607 172.8
7/24/12 1,607 0 0 0 -1,607 172.8
7/25/12 1,607 0 0 0 -1,607 172.8
7/26/12 1,607 0 0 0 -1,607 172.8
7/27/12 1,607 0 0 0 -1,607 172.8
7/28/12 1,607 0 0 0 -1,607 172.8
7/29/12 1,590 330 0 330 -1,260 170.2
1,260 calories under budget for the week
Lost 2.6 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 172.8 on July 22nd.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 11g 21.8%
   Saturated Fat 1g
Cholesterol 10mg
Sodium 445mg
Carbohydrates 49g 43.1%
   Fiber 36g
   Sugars 7g
Protein 40g 35.2%
Exercise Summary Calories
Total 0
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Monday, July 23, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jul 16th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jul 16th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
7/16/12 1,601 869 953 -84 -1,685 171.8
7/17/12 1,601 921 1,210 -289 -1,890 171.8
7/18/12 1,601 1,307 954 354 -1,247 171.8
7/19/12 1,607 1,012 1,258 -246 -1,853 172.8
7/20/12 1,607 1,029 905 124 -1,484 172.8
7/21/12 1,590 366 0 366 -1,224 170.2
7/22/12 1,590 0 0 0 -1,590 170.2
9,383 calories under budget for the week
Lost 1.6 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 171.8 on July 15th.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 124g 20.4%
   Saturated Fat 24g
Cholesterol 405mg
Sodium 4,595mg
Carbohydrates 622g 45.5%
   Fiber 159g
   Sugars 150g
Protein 465g 34%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 2 Hours 1210
Zumba - Nancy 1 Hour 637
Running 1 Hour 599
Circuit Training 1 Hour 573
Walking 4 Hours 35 Min 1003
Zumba - Paul 1 Hour 683
Interval Conditioning 1 Hour 575
Total 5280
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Monday, July 16, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jul 9th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jul 9th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
7/9/12 1,599 1,096 829 267 -1,333 171.6
7/10/12 1,599 1,110 135 975 -625 171.6
7/11/12 1,599 1,082 102 980 -619 171.6
7/12/12 1,599 541 1,230 -689 -2,289 171.6
7/13/12 1,601 499 605 -106 -1,707 171.8
7/14/12 1,601 962 299 663 -938 171.8
7/15/12 1,601 0 0 0 -1,601 171.8
7,510 calories under budget for the week
Gained 0.2 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 171.6 on July 8th.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 134g 24.6%
   Saturated Fat 40g
Cholesterol 489mg
Sodium 6,308mg
Carbohydrates 527g 43%
   Fiber 88g
   Sugars 133g
Protein 398g 32.4%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 2 Hours 10 Min 1311
Zumba - Nancy 1 Hour 636
Running 30 Min 299
Walking 2 Hours 36 Min 564
Zumba Toning - Nancy 1 Hour 10 Min 390
Total 3200
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Monday, July 9, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jul 2nd


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jul 2nd

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
7/2/12 1,598 1,449 604 845 -754 171.4
7/3/12 1,598 1,447 0 1,447 -151 171.4
7/4/12 1,598 1,177 1,112 65 -1,533 171.4
7/5/12 1,598 1,406 571 835 -763 171.4
7/6/12 1,598 753 503 250 -1,348 171.4
7/7/12 1,599 1,293 755 538 -1,061 171.6
7/8/12 1,599 0 95 -95 -1,694 171.6
5,611 calories under budget for the week
Gained 0.2 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 171.4 on July 1st.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 241g 30.8%
   Saturated Fat 68g
Cholesterol 937mg
Sodium 10,315mg
Carbohydrates 727g 41.1%
   Fiber 127g
   Sugars 163g
Protein 496g 28.1%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 4 Hours 15 Min 2567
Swimming 1 Hour 408
Circuit Training 1 Hour 571
Walking 28 Min 95
Total 3641
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Monday, July 2, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jun 25th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jun 25th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
6/25/12 1,599 1,851 604 1,247 -352 171.5
6/26/12 1,599 1,128 0 1,128 -471 171.5
6/27/12 1,599 1,527 604 923 -676 171.5
6/28/12 1,599 1,201 1,207 -6 -1,605 171.5
6/29/12 1,599 945 1,451 -505 -2,104 171.5
6/30/12 1,598 1,205 0 1,205 -393 171.4
7/1/12 1,598 1,022 0 1,022 -577 171.4
6,177 calories under budget for the week
Lost 0.1 pounds this week as measured from a starting weight of 171.5 on June 24th.
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 254g 26%
   Saturated Fat 48g
Cholesterol 742mg
Sodium 9,875mg
Carbohydrates 977g 44.5%
   Fiber 208g
   Sugars 170g
Protein 650g 29.6%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 3 Hours 1812
Zumba - Nancy 1 Hour 635
Circuit Training 1 Hour 572
Zumba - Marathon! 1 Hour 30 Min 847
Total 3866
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit