Monday, February 27, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Feb 20th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Feb 20th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
2/20/12 1,682 1,461 0 1,461 -221 153.7
2/21/12 1,656 1,207 0 1,207 -448 149.7
2/22/12 1,656 1,611 0 1,611 -44 149.7
2/23/12 1,656 1,295 0 1,295 -361 149.7
2/24/12 1,656 1,141 0 1,141 -515 149.7
2/25/12 1,656 990 0 990 -666 149.7
2/26/12 1,656 1,117 71 1,045 -610 149.7
2,864 calories under budget for the week
Lost 4 pounds this week
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 352g 36.5%
   Saturated Fat 104g
Cholesterol 1,745mg
Sodium 11,109mg
Carbohydrates 798g 36.7%
   Fiber 150g
   Sugars 255g
Protein 584g 26.8%
Exercise Summary Calories
Walking 40 Min 71
Total 71
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How much was cut off?


With my lower body lift and medial thigh lift, they removed 10 pounds.

They also liposuctioned off 2 liters of fat, which logs in at about 4 pounds. 

14 Pounds total for this surgery! Look at that weight loss ticker --------------->

Yup..... it says 149.7


I haven't actually gotten on the scale, and I'm sure that's NOT what it says...... but it will :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Feb 13th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Feb 13th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
2/13/12 1,232 900 0 900 -332 153.7
2/14/12 1,232 902 0 902 -330 153.7
2/15/12 1,232 1,040 0 1,040 -192 153.7
2/16/12 1,232 941 0 941 -291 153.7
2/17/12 1,232 723 0 723 -509 153.7
2/18/12 1,232 1,396 0 1,396 164 153.7
2/19/12 1,682 638 0 638 -1,044 153.7
2,533 calories under budget for the week
No change in weight this week
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 283g 39.4%
   Saturated Fat 81g
Cholesterol 1,717mg
Sodium 7,887mg
Carbohydrates 522g 32.3%
   Fiber 107g
   Sugars 86g
Protein 457g 28.3%
Exercise Summary Calories
Total 0
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Monday, February 13, 2012

Post op pix

I had my lower body lift / medial thigh lift this past Friday... So this is 3 days post op

Had to cover up for pix, that part of garment is open!

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Feb 6th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Feb 6th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
2/6/12 1,586 653 601 52 -1,533 169.5
2/7/12 1,586 884 565 319 -1,267 169.5
2/8/12 1,564 679 601 78 -1,486 166.2
2/9/12 1,547 792 1,418 -626 -2,173 163.7
2/10/12 1,547 0 0 0 -1,547 163.7
2/11/12 1,547 830 0 830 -718 163.7
2/12/12 1,982 468 0 468 -1,514 153.7
8,691 calories under budget for the week
Lost 16.8 pounds this week
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 160g 36.9%
   Saturated Fat 44g
Cholesterol 260mg
Sodium 6,808mg
Carbohydrates 296g 30.3%
   Fiber 61g
   Sugars 67g
Protein 319g 32.8%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 2 Hours 1202
Stairmaster 24 Min 285
Zumba - Vanessa 1 Hour 7 Min 717
Circuit Training 1 Hour 45 Min 981
Total 3185
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tomorrow's the day

I do plan on having "before" pictures taken tonight after dinner...... the hubby will take them, but I'm not sure they will get posted right away.

I **killed* it at the gym today..... saw the trainer, did an hour of intense arm work, including TRX, then promptly went to Lifetime for a zumba class, followed by 70 flights on the stair master. I sat for a good long time in that eucalyptus steam, I'll tell you what!

I realized last night, that the last time I weighed in the 160s, was in Middle School. (I did starve diet my way down to 140 in high school, but that's another story, and it was short lived!)


For the record, tomorrow I am having a lower body lift, and inner thigh lift. I am going to ask Dr. Rodriguez to liposuction the CRAP out of my saddlebags! I know she will, she's an awesome surgeon, and gets pretty dang agressive when she sees a motivated patient :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Too Tight!!!!

So, not sure I mentioned it....... but I got a fill about 1-1/2 months ago. I wanted .5cc. However, the nurse that was doing fills that day, I hadn't met before. She interviewed me, and asked how much I was able to eat, what I was eating, etc.

Instead of .5cc, she gave me 1cc (they call that a 'full' adjustment at my doc's office)

It was fine at first, but I know my band.... and over the course of time, it got tighter....... and tighter...... and tighter.

I'm a self-pay person, and need to shell out $150 each time I get an adjustment. This past Sunday, this band clamped down on a crouton in my salad, and I've been on liquids ever since.

TODAY I am getting a complete unfill, for Friday's surgery.

TODAY..... I'm not sure if I'm more excited about having lower-body lift surgery, or getting this band deflated! That's how tight it got.

Know what I'm most excited to eat? A tender chicken breast.

My..... how time changes things. There's nothing else that's calling my name more, than a tender piece of chicken, with a little drizzle of olive oil and a dusting of white pepper.

Only 3 years ago, I would have stopped at the drive-thru and gotten a "Number 2" super-sized, with an extra cheeseburger for good measure, and perhaps a caramel sundae to round out the meal. Oh..... and make that a DIET coke, I wouldn't want to seem gluttonous!

BTW......... hit an all time LOW today: 166.5

Woot Woot!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lose It! Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jan 30th


Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, Jan 30th

for Karen Taverner

Daily Summary
Budget Food Exercise Net +/- Weight (lbs)
1/30/12 1,582 890 526 364 -1,218 169
1/31/12 1,582 887 402 485 -1,097 169
2/1/12 1,582 892 595 297 -1,285 169
2/2/12 1,582 949 563 385 -1,197 169
2/3/12 1,582 981 596 385 -1,197 169
2/4/12 1,582 832 799 34 -1,549 169
2/5/12 1,592 729 0 729 -863 170.5
8,407 calories under budget for the week
Gained 1.5 pounds this week
Nutrient Summary % Calories
Fat 177g 28.7%
   Saturated Fat 46g
Cholesterol 446mg
Sodium 6,939mg
Carbohydrates 497g 35.8%
   Fiber 130g
   Sugars 138g
Protein 492g 35.5%
Exercise Summary Calories
Zumba - Julie 2 Hours 53 Min 1718
Circuit Training 1 Hour 50 Min 1033
Weight Lifting 1 Hour 402
Zumba Toning - Nancy 1 Hour 329
Total 3482
Report generated by Lose It!. For more information or to sign up for your free Lose It! account, please visit